This web site was built to bring together the diverse elements of my character and interests; it is an
eclectic mixture of the very ancient and the very modern. Like my life, it is in a perpetual state of
construction. In the computer science section you'll find material on my programming language Shen and links
to essays and video lectures.
I taught artificial intelligence at Leeds university from 1990-1999 and I was
active in writing poetry from 1993-1996; some of these poems to have been put to music. |
I still retain a great affection for philosophy, my alma mater as it were, and the logical and analytical
aspects of philosophy in relation to computing command my attention. This area I call computational philosophy .
I have an interest in esotericism and I am a Taoist of sorts. I find links with internal alchemy in many other
traditions, particularly Kabbalah and Tantra. I wrote the first of two volumes on the Tarot and I used to run
a school but found that my other interests competed for attention and so now I work on this aspect through my
personal site.
I hope you find something in this grab-bag which will catch your interest. |