Conversations of Taoist Master Fu Hsiang is an introduction to the topics of love,
evil and human nature recounted through a narrative between Taoist Master Fu Hsiang
and his two students, Li Chen and Zhi Peng. The book was written in America shortly
after my return from China in 2004. It is dedicated to my partner
Dr Magdalena Pamesa.
Taoism, Alchemy and Immortality : this was a lecture on internal alchemy and longevity
given at Stony Brook University in 2003. Old recording with poor sound
but audible. |
I took an interest in the Tarot as a teenager. In 2015 I took a break from computer
science to record a series of 26 mini-lectures on the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. The
result was 5 hours of recorded speech. In 2017 I transcribed these lectures into text,
during the course of which I made extensive improvements and amendations. The resulting
text The New Guide to the Tarot volume I, the Minor Arcana was published in 2018.
The New Guide traces the origins of the Tarot back to the ancient world of the Presocratic
Greek philosophers, through the medieval world to the world of today. The later chapters on
the court cards use a personalised form of Jungian psychology to order the development of
the court cards and uses poetry, literature and film to illustrate the concepts. |
The New Guide contains over a hundred colour illustrations from leading Tarot designs
including (in alphabetical order).
The Absolut Tarot, the Anna K. Tarot, the Circadian Tarot, the Crystal Visions Tarot, the Druid Craft Tarot,
the Elric Tarot, the Hidden Realm Tarot, the Horne Tarot, the Hudes Tarot, the Maat Tarot, the Marseille Tarot,
the Nizzoli Tarot, the Pagan Cats Tarot, the Pauline Cassidy Tarot, the Rider-Waite Tarot, the Robin Wood Tarot,
the SG Tarot, the Shadowscapes Tarot, the Solar-Busca Tarot, the Star Tarot, the Thoth Tarot, the Visconti-Sforza
Tarot, the Wizards Tarot.
The New Guide shows that underlying the Minor Arcana is a powerful and compelling ancient code
based on numerology and the elements, which orders the cards into both a cosmology and a blueprint of the human
Originally The New Guide existed only in lecture form. Because this material has been superseded by the
book, I don't give it in its entirety, but the text retains some of the flavour of the original lectures. Here
are two audio lectures on the Hermetic elements which were originally part of the lecture course.
A video I made to illustrate the beauty of the Star Tarot. |
Introduction |
What is a Mystery Tradition? |
The History of the Elements |
The Occult Theory of the Elements |